Multiple functions or classes that can be used to interact with the Wikibase instance.
from __future__ import annotations
import datetime
import json
import logging
import re
from time import sleep
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import requests
import ujson
from requests import Session
from wikibaseintegrator.wbi_backoff import wbi_backoff
from wikibaseintegrator.wbi_config import config
from wikibaseintegrator.wbi_exceptions import MaxRetriesReachedException, ModificationFailed, MWApiError, NonExistentEntityError, SaveFailed, SearchError
from wikibaseintegrator.datatypes import BaseDataType
from wikibaseintegrator.entities.baseentity import BaseEntity
from wikibaseintegrator.wbi_login import _Login
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
helpers_session = requests.Session()
class BColors:
Default colors for pretty outputs.
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKCYAN = '\033[96m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
# Session used for all anonymous requests
default_session = requests.Session()
def execute_sparql_query(query: str, prefix: str | None = None, endpoint: str | None = None, user_agent: str | None = None, max_retries: int = 1000, retry_after: int = 60) -> dict[
str, dict]:
Static method which can be used to execute any SPARQL query
:param prefix: The URI prefixes required for an endpoint, default is the Wikidata specific prefixes
:param query: The actual SPARQL query string
:param endpoint: The URL string for the SPARQL endpoint. Default is the URL for the Wikidata SPARQL endpoint
:param user_agent: Set a user agent string for the HTTP header to let the Query Service know who you are.
:param max_retries: The number time this function should retry in case of header reports.
:param retry_after: the number of seconds should wait upon receiving either an error code or the Query Service is not reachable.
:return: The results of the query are returned in JSON format
sparql_endpoint_url = str(endpoint or config['SPARQL_ENDPOINT_URL'])
user_agent = user_agent or (str(config['USER_AGENT']) if config['USER_AGENT'] is not None else None)
hostname = urlparse(sparql_endpoint_url).hostname
if hostname is not None and hostname.endswith(('wikidata.org', 'wikipedia.org', 'wikimedia.org')) and user_agent is None:
log.warning('WARNING: Please set an user agent if you interact with a Wikibase instance from the Wikimedia Foundation.')
log.warning('More information in the README.md and https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Policy:User-Agent_policy')
if prefix:
query = prefix + '\n' + query
params = {
'query': '#Tool: WikibaseIntegrator wbi_functions.execute_sparql_query\n' + query,
'format': 'json'
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/sparql-results+json',
'User-Agent': get_user_agent(user_agent),
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
log.debug("%s%s%s", BColors.WARNING, params['query'], BColors.ENDC)
for _ in range(max_retries):
response = helpers_session.post(sparql_endpoint_url, params=params, headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
log.exception("Connection error: %s. Sleeping for %d seconds.", e, retry_after)
if response.status_code in (500, 502, 503, 504):
log.error("Service unavailable (HTTP Code %d). Sleeping for %d seconds.", response.status_code, retry_after)
if response.status_code == 429:
if 'retry-after' in response.headers.keys():
retry_after = int(response.headers['retry-after'])
log.error("Too Many Requests (429). Sleeping for %d seconds", retry_after)
results = response.json()
return results
raise Exception(f"No result after {max_retries} retries.")
def edit_entity(data: dict, id: str | None = None, type: str | None = None, baserevid: int | None = None, summary: str | None = None, clear: bool = False, is_bot: bool = False,
tags: list[str] | None = None, site: str | None = None, title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict:
Creates a single new Wikibase entity and modifies it with serialised information.
:param data: The serialized object that is used as the data source. A newly created entity will be assigned an 'id'.
:param id: The identifier for the entity, including the prefix. Use either id or site and title together.
:param type: Set this to the type of the entity to be created. One of the following values: form, item, lexeme, property, sense
:param baserevid: The numeric identifier for the revision to base the modification on. This is used for detecting conflicts during save.
:param summary: Summary for the edit. Will be prepended by an automatically generated comment.
:param clear: If set, the complete entity is emptied before proceeding. The entity will not be saved before it is filled with the "data", possibly with parts excluded.
:param is_bot: Mark this edit as bot.
:param login: A login instance
:param tags: Change tags to apply to the revision.
:param site: An identifier for the site on which the page resides. Use together with title to make a complete sitelink.
:param title: Title of the page to associate. Use together with site to make a complete sitelink.
:param kwargs: More arguments for Python requests
:return: The answer from the Wikibase API
params = {
'action': 'wbeditentity',
'data': ujson.dumps(data),
'format': 'json'
if baserevid:
params.update({'baserevid': str(baserevid)})
if summary:
params.update({'summary': summary})
if tags:
params.update({'tags': '|'.join(tags)})
if id:
params.update({'id': id})
elif site and title:
'site': site,
'title': title
assert type
params.update({'new': type})
if clear:
params.update({'clear': ''})
if is_bot:
params.update({'bot': ''})
return mediawiki_api_call_helper(data=params, is_bot=is_bot, **kwargs)
def merge_items(from_id: str, to_id: str, login: _Login | None = None, ignore_conflicts: list[str] | None = None, is_bot: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> dict:
A static method to merge two items
:param from_id: The ID to merge from. This parameter is required.
:param to_id: The ID to merge to. This parameter is required.
:param login: A wbi_login.Login instance
:param ignore_conflicts: List of elements of the item to ignore conflicts for. Can only contain values of "description", "sitelink" and "statement"
:param is_bot: Mark this edit as bot.
params = {
'action': 'wbmergeitems',
'fromid': from_id,
'toid': to_id,
'format': 'json'
if ignore_conflicts is not None:
params.update({'ignoreconflicts': '|'.join(ignore_conflicts)})
if is_bot:
params.update({'bot': ''})
return mediawiki_api_call_helper(data=params, login=login, is_bot=is_bot, **kwargs)
def merge_lexemes(source: str, target: str, login: _Login | None = None, summary: str | None = None, is_bot: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> dict:
A static method to merge two lexemes
:param source: The ID to merge from. This parameter is required.
:param target: The ID to merge to. This parameter is required.
:param login: A wbi_login.Login instance
:param summary: Summary for the edit.
:param is_bot: Mark this edit as bot.
params = {
'action': 'wblmergelexemes',
'fromid': source,
'toid': target,
'format': 'json'
if summary:
params.update({'summary': summary})
if is_bot:
params.update({'bot': ''})
return mediawiki_api_call_helper(data=params, login=login, is_bot=is_bot, **kwargs)
def remove_claims(claim_id: str, summary: str | None = None, baserevid: int | None = None, is_bot: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> dict:
Delete a claim from an entity
:param claim_id: One GUID or several (pipe-separated) GUIDs identifying the claims to be removed. All claims must belong to the same entity.
:param summary: Summary for the edit. Will be prepended by an automatically generated comment.
:param baserevid: The numeric identifier for the revision to base the modification on. This is used for detecting conflicts during save.
:param is_bot: Mark this edit as bot.
params: dict[str, str | int] = {
'action': 'wbremoveclaims',
'claim': claim_id,
'format': 'json'
if summary:
params.update({'summary': summary})
if baserevid:
params.update({'baserevid': baserevid})
if is_bot:
params.update({'bot': ''})
return mediawiki_api_call_helper(data=params, is_bot=is_bot, **kwargs)
def search_entities(search_string: str, language: str | None = None, strict_language: bool = False, search_type: str = 'item', max_results: int = 50, dict_result: bool = False,
allow_anonymous: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
Performs a search for entities in the Wikibase instance using labels and aliases.
You can have more information on the parameters in the MediaWiki API help (https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=wbsearchentities)
:param search_string: A string which should be searched for in the Wikibase instance (labels and aliases)
:param language: The language in which to perform the search. This only affects how entities are selected. Default is 'en' from wbi_config.
You can see the list of languages for Wikidata at https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Help:Wikimedia_language_codes/lists/all (Use the WMF code)
:param strict_language: Whether to disable language fallback. Default is 'False'.
:param search_type: Search for this type of entity. One of the following values: form, item, lexeme, property, sense, mediainfo
:param max_results: The maximum number of search results returned. The value must be between 0 and 50. Default is 50
:param dict_result: Return the results as a detailed dictionary instead of a list of IDs.
:param allow_anonymous: Allow anonymous interaction with the MediaWiki API. 'True' by default.
language = str(language or config['DEFAULT_LANGUAGE'])
params = {
'action': 'wbsearchentities',
'search': search_string,
'language': language,
'type': search_type,
'limit': 50,
'format': 'json'
if strict_language:
params.update({'strict_language': ''})
cont_count = 0
results = []
while True:
params.update({'continue': cont_count})
search_results = mediawiki_api_call_helper(data=params, allow_anonymous=allow_anonymous, **kwargs)
if search_results['success'] != 1:
raise SearchError('Wikibase API wbsearchentities failed')
for i in search_results['search']:
if dict_result:
description = i['description'] if 'description' in i else None
aliases = i['aliases'] if 'aliases' in i else None
'id': i['id'],
'label': i['label'],
'match': i['match'],
'description': description,
'aliases': aliases
if 'search-continue' not in search_results:
cont_count = search_results['search-continue']
if cont_count >= max_results:
return results
def lexeme_add_sense(lexeme_id, data, baserevid: int | None = None, tags: list[str] | None = None, is_bot: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> dict:
Adds a Sense to a Lexeme
:param lexeme_id: ID of the Lexeme, e.g. L10
:param data: JSON-encoded data for the Sense, i.e. its glosses
:param baserevid: Base Revision ID of the Lexeme, if edit conflict check is wanted.
:param tags: Change tags to apply to the revision.
:param is_bot: Mark this edit as bot.
:param kwargs:
params = {
'action': 'wbladdsense',
'lexemeId': lexeme_id,
'data': ujson.dumps(data),
'format': 'json'
if baserevid:
params.update({'baserevid': baserevid})
if tags:
params.update({'tags': '|'.join(tags)})
if is_bot:
params.update({'bot': ''})
return mediawiki_api_call_helper(data=params, is_bot=is_bot, **kwargs)
def lexeme_edit_sense(sense_id: str, data, baserevid: int | None = None, tags: list[str] | None = None, is_bot: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> dict:
Edits glosses of a Sense
:param sense_id: ID of the Sense or the concept URI, e.g. L10-S2
:param data: The serialized object that is used as the data source.
:param baserevid: Base Revision ID of the Lexeme, if edit conflict check is wanted.
:param tags: Change tags to apply to the revision.
:param is_bot: Mark this edit as bot.
:param kwargs:
pattern = re.compile(r'^(?:.+\/entity\/)?(L[0-9]+-S[0-9]+)$')
matches = pattern.match(sense_id)
if not matches:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid Sense ID ({sense_id}), format must be 'L[0-9]+-S[0-9]+'")
sense_id = matches.group(1)
params = {
'action': 'wbleditsenseelements',
'formId': sense_id,
'data': ujson.dumps(data),
'format': 'json'
if baserevid:
params.update({'baserevid': baserevid})
if tags:
params.update({'tags': '|'.join(tags)})
if is_bot:
params.update({'bot': ''})
return mediawiki_api_call_helper(data=params, is_bot=is_bot, **kwargs)
def lexeme_remove_sense(sense_id: str, baserevid: int | None = None, tags: list[str] | None = None, is_bot: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> dict:
Adds Form to Lexeme
:param sense_id: ID of the Sense, e.g. L10-S20
:param baserevid: Base Revision ID of the Lexeme, if edit conflict check is wanted.
:param tags: Change tags to apply to the revision.
:param is_bot: Mark this edit as bot.
:param kwargs:
pattern = re.compile(r'^(?:.+\/entity\/)?(L[0-9]+-S[0-9]+)$')
matches = pattern.match(sense_id)
if not matches:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid Sense ID ({sense_id}), format must be 'L[0-9]+-S[0-9]+'")
sense_id = matches.group(1)
params = {
'action': 'wblremovesense',
'id': sense_id,
'format': 'json'
if baserevid:
params.update({'baserevid': baserevid})
if tags:
params.update({'tags': '|'.join(tags)})
if is_bot:
params.update({'bot': ''})
return mediawiki_api_call_helper(data=params, is_bot=is_bot, **kwargs)
def generate_entity_instances(entities: str | list[str], allow_anonymous: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> list[tuple[str, BaseEntity]]:
A method which allows for retrieval of a list of Wikidata entities. The method generates a list of tuples where the first value in the tuple is the entity's ID, whereas the
second is the new instance of a subclass of BaseEntity containing all the data of the entity. This is most useful for mass retrieval of entities.
:param entities: A list of IDs. Item, Property or Lexeme.
:param allow_anonymous: Allow anonymous edit to the MediaWiki API. Disabled by default.
:return: A list of tuples, first value in the tuple is the entity's ID, second value is the instance of a subclass of BaseEntity with the corresponding entity data.
from wikibaseintegrator.entities.baseentity import BaseEntity
if isinstance(entities, str):
entities = [entities]
assert isinstance(entities, list)
params = {
'action': 'wbgetentities',
'ids': '|'.join(entities),
'format': 'json'
reply = mediawiki_api_call_helper(data=params, allow_anonymous=allow_anonymous, **kwargs)
entity_instances = []
for qid, v in reply['entities'].items():
from wikibaseintegrator import WikibaseIntegrator
wbi = WikibaseIntegrator()
f = [x for x in BaseEntity.__subclasses__() if x.ETYPE == v['type']][0]
ii = f(api=wbi).from_json(v)
entity_instances.append((qid, ii))
return entity_instances
def delete_page(title: str | None = None, pageid: int | None = None, reason: str | None = None, deletetalk: bool = False, watchlist: str = 'preferences',
watchlistexpiry: str | None = None, login: _Login | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict:
Delete a page
:param title: Title of the page to delete. Cannot be used together with pageid.
:param pageid: Page ID of the page to delete. Cannot be used together with title.
:param reason: Reason for the deletion. If not set, an automatically generated reason will be used.
:param deletetalk: Delete the talk page, if it exists.
:param watchlist: Unconditionally add or remove the page from the current user's watchlist, use preferences (ignored for bot users) or do not change watch.
One of the following values: nochange, preferences, unwatch, watch
:param watchlistexpiry: Watchlist expiry timestamp. Omit this parameter entirely to leave the current expiry unchanged.
:param login: A wbi_login.Login instance
:param kwargs:
if not title and not pageid:
raise ValueError("A title or a pageid must be specified.")
if title and pageid:
raise ValueError("You can't specify a title and a pageid at the same time.")
if pageid and not isinstance(pageid, int):
raise ValueError("pageid must be an integer.")
params: dict[str, Any] = {
'action': 'delete',
'watchlist': watchlist,
'format': 'json'
if title:
params.update({'title': title})
if pageid:
params.update({'pageid': pageid})
if reason:
params.update({'reason': reason})
if deletetalk:
params.update({'deletetalk': ''})
if watchlistexpiry:
params.update({'watchlistexpiry': watchlistexpiry})
return mediawiki_api_call_helper(data=params, login=login, **kwargs)
def fulltext_search(search: str, max_results: int = 50, allow_anonymous: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
Perform a fulltext search on the mediawiki instance.
It's an exception to the "only wikibase related function" rule! WikibaseIntegrator is focused on wikibase-only functions to avoid spreading out and covering all functions of MediaWiki.
:param search: Search for page titles or content matching this value. You can use the search string to invoke special search features, depending on what the wiki's search backend implements.
:param max_results: How many total pages to return. The value must be between 1 and 500.
:param allow_anonymous: Allow anonymous interaction with the MediaWiki API. 'True' by default.
:param kwargs: Extra parameters for mediawiki_api_call_helper()
params = {
'action': 'query',
'list': 'search',
'srsearch': search,
'srlimit': max_results,
'format': 'json'
return mediawiki_api_call_helper(data=params, allow_anonymous=allow_anonymous, **kwargs)['query']['search']
def get_user_agent(user_agent: str | None = None) -> str:
Return a user agent string suitable for interacting with the Wikibase instance.
:param user_agent: An optional user-agent. If not provided, will generate a default user-agent.
:return: A correctly formatted user agent.
from wikibaseintegrator import __version__
wbi_user_agent = f"WikibaseIntegrator/{__version__}"
if user_agent is None:
return_user_agent = wbi_user_agent
return_user_agent = user_agent + ' ' + wbi_user_agent
return return_user_agent
properties_dt: dict = {}
def _json2datatype(prop_nr: str, statement: dict, wikibase_url: str | None = None, allow_anonymous=True, **kwargs) -> BaseDataType:
from wikibaseintegrator.datatypes.basedatatype import BaseDataType
wikibase_url = str(wikibase_url or config['WIKIBASE_URL'])
if prop_nr not in properties_dt:
params = {
'action': 'wbgetentities',
'ids': prop_nr,
'props': 'datatype',
'format': 'json'
reply = mediawiki_api_call_helper(data=params, allow_anonymous=allow_anonymous, **kwargs)
for p in reply['entities']:
properties_dt[p] = reply['entities'][p]['datatype']
datatype = properties_dt[prop_nr]
f = [x for x in BaseDataType.subclasses if x.DTYPE == datatype][0]
if f.__name__ in ['CommonsMedia', 'ExternalID', 'Form', 'GeoShape', 'Item', 'Lexeme', 'Math', 'MusicalNotation', 'Property', 'Sense', 'String', 'TabularData', 'URL']:
if isinstance(statement, dict):
value = statement['value']
value = statement
return f(prop_nr=prop_nr, value=value)
elif f.__name__ == 'GlobeCoordinate':
altitude = statement['altitude'] or None
precision = statement['precision'] or None
globe = statement['globe'] or None
return f(prop_nr=prop_nr, latitude=statement['latitude'], longitude=statement['longitude'], altitude=altitude, precision=precision, globe=globe, wikibase_url=wikibase_url)
elif f.__name__ == 'MonolingualText':
return f(prop_nr=prop_nr, language=statement['language'], text=statement['text'])
elif f.__name__ == 'Quantity':
upper_bound = statement['upper_bound'] or None
lower_bound = statement['lower_bound'] or None
unit = statement['unit'] or '1'
return f(prop_nr=prop_nr, quantity=statement['quantity'], upper_bound=upper_bound, lower_bound=lower_bound, unit=unit, wikibase_url=wikibase_url)
elif f.__name__ == 'Time':
before = statement['before'] or 0
after = statement['after'] or 0
precision = statement['precision'] or None
timezone = statement['timezone'] or 0
calendarmodel = statement['calendarmodel'] or None
return f(prop_nr=prop_nr, time=statement['time'], before=before, after=after, precision=precision, timezone=timezone, calendarmodel=calendarmodel,
return f()
def download_entity_ttl(entity: str, wikibase_url: str | None = None, user_agent: str | None = None) -> str:
Downloads the TTL (Terse RDF Triple Language) content of a specific entity from a Wikibase instance.
- entity (str): The identifier of the entity to download the TTL content for.
- wikibase_url (str | None): The base URL of the Wikibase instance. If None, the default URL from the configuration
will be used.
- user_agent (str | None): The user agent string to be used in the HTTP request headers. If None, the default user
agent from the configuration will be used if available.
- str: The TTL content of the requested entity.
- HTTPError: If the HTTP request to retrieve the TTL content fails (status code other than 2xx).
The function relies on a configuration setup (presumably a 'config' dictionary) containing at least the keys
'WIKIBASE_URL' and 'USER_AGENT' for the default Wikibase URL and user agent respectively.
wikibase_url = str(wikibase_url or config['WIKIBASE_URL'])
user_agent = user_agent or (str(config['USER_AGENT']) if config['USER_AGENT'] is not None else None)
headers = {
'User-Agent': get_user_agent(user_agent)
response = helpers_session.get(wikibase_url + '/entity/' + entity + '.ttl', headers=headers)
results = response.text
return results
# def __deepcopy__(memo):
# # Don't return a copy of the module
# # Deepcopy don't allow copy of modules (https://bugs.python.org/issue43093)
# # It's really the good way to solve this?
# from wikibaseintegrator import wikibaseintegrator
# return wikibaseintegrator.wbi_helpers